Potz Schwertfisch und 1000 Aale Oder: Eine unglaubliche Reise um die Welt

In May 2023, my children-book „Potz Schwertfisch und 1000 Aale Oder: Eine unglaubliche Reise um die Welt“(Swordfish and 1000 Eels or an incredible trip around the world) was published. The book was written in German language for children between the age of 6 and 10 on 252 pages. Illustrator: Anastasia Derevnina.
ISBN: 978-3-9822138-3-5
Rabe Pirat und seine Freunde

In June 2022, my children-book Rabe Pirat und seine Freunde was published. The book was written in German language for children between the age of 4 and 7. Illustrator: Anastasia Derevnina ISBN: 978-3-9822138-2-8
Im Zelt der Geschichtenerzählerin

My book titled „Im Zelt der Geschichtenerzählerin“ with five short stories about winter was published at the end of October 2020. This book is for children between the age of 4 and 7, written in German language. Illustrators: Anahit Gardian, Maria Liachovickaja, Alvard Grigorian ISBN 978-3-9822138-1-1

In May 2020, my children-book Inselgeschichten was published. The book was written in German language for children between the age of 4 and 7. The book is dedicated to the Island of Rügen. Illustrators: Anahit Gardian, Maria Liachovickaja ISBN: 978-3-86785-324-8.
The violent Roland
In the 9 December 2015 take place premiere of my performance Violet Roland in the Library of Sassnitz. I write this Performance especially for schoolchildren. The young artists were great, and the public liked the performance.
Reading in Hamburg 2015
In the 19 December 2015 took place the concert and the reading the stories of my book Schneemans Nase in the Central Library of Hamburg. The young violinist from Hamburger school KMK concertized there.
Schneemanns Nase

In the March 2015 to Leipzig International Book Fair, was published my children-book Schneemanns Nase in German language. The book was published by BS-Verlag in Rostock. Illustrator: Alvard Grigorian ISBN: 978-3-86785-324-8
It was published literary almanac Jasmunder Heimatheft for 2013 in Germany
There was printed the first chapter of novel Sword-fish and Thousend Eels in reducing. ISBN: 978-3-939680-18-5
Isak and the secrets of Amaras
Currently I am working on the sequel of the story about the boy Isak. The working title is “Isak and the secrets of Amaras.
Translation of the novel “Isak and the old Castel” into Armenian language

The translation of the novel “Isak and the old Castel” into Armenian language was published in Yerevan in April 2011. The Presentation of the book took place in the National Children's library Khnko-Apera. Illustrator: Alvard Grigorian ISBN: 978-5-8077-0768-0